Learnster's solutions for impactful volunteer training

We have categorized key features for impactful volunteer training into 4 solutions. These are designed to solve the most pressing challenges that our customers face. Maximize the business value of Learnster and get a quick start with a fit-for-purpose implementation.
Boost the knowledge levels and ensure a positive start with Volunteer Onboarding.
Learnster's Knowledge Repository lets your organization manage internal knowledge. Distribute internal know-how in a searchable and structured way.
Encourage self-directed learning! The solution Self-Driven Development encourages your learners to take ownership of their own development.
Share general company information and department-specific, local knowledge with Decentralized Learning. Follow up on HQ, department, team or individual level.

Volunteer Onboarding

First impressions last. Ensure a positive experience for your new volunteers. From day one and all the way through the crucial first weeks.
Learnster's checklists structure courses, activities and other important training.

Checklists provide a clear and structured onboarding process

Learnster’s checklists provide a clear and structured onboarding experience. Find, complete and tick off courses, activities and other important parts of the process.
Learnster's Automation Rules provide automated and customizable learning journeys.

Automated and personalized learning journeys

Provide a relevant onboarding experience with Learnster’s Automation Rules. Create fully automated and personalized learning journeys based on role, task or location.
Test the knowledge levels with Learnster's Quizzes and Surveys.

Test the knowledge levels

Use quizzes and surveys to drive engagement and gather valuable feedback from your volunteers. Monitor course progression and encourage two-way communication.
Learnster Teams allows managers to track the onboarding process.

Follow up on individual progress

Follow up on individual progress and course results with Learnster Teams.

Knowledge Repository

Impactful volunteer training requires managing and distributing internal knowledge. Preferably in an accessible, searchable and structured way. This can easily be done in Learnster.
Organize and categorize videos, documents and course snippets with Learnster Resources.

Organize more than just courses

Learnster Resources enables you to organize and categorize videos, documents and course snippets for quick and easy information sourcing at the point of need. Browse learning material or use the global search function to source relevant know-how.

Self-Driven Development

Deliver impactful volunteer training by empowering your volunteers to take ownership of their development. Initiate individual learning opportunities.
Learnster's peer-to-peer course recommendations allow learners to share courses with each other.

Peer-to-peer course recommendations

Encourage self-directed learning and viral knowledge sharing through peer-to-peer course recommendations. Allow your volunteers to share courses with both internal and external users.

Categorized and searchable learning materials

Categorize learning materials through Learnster’s Catalog function. A searchable course library helps your volunteers find the right learning materials.
Customize your internal academy with Learnster's My Academy.

Give your knowledge academy customizable descriptions

Through Learnster’s My Academy, you can add your own description to your academy. Include culture and brand building elements such as background, purpose and company manifesto.
Build an internal knowledge academy of optional courses with Learnster Catalog.

Build an internal knowledge academy

Build an internal knowledge academy of optional courses. Accessible learning materials encourage self-driven development.

Decentralized Learning

Many organizations consist of multiple local, independent units or branches. The headquarter’s goal is to deliver company information and brand guidelines across the entire organization. On a branch level, however, training needs to reflect the local day-to-day operation. With Learnster, you can combine central and local training within the same platform. A great asset for impactful volunteer training.
Reuse and customize existing course material in Learnster.

Reuse and customize existing course material

Create standardized course templates and add local adaptation. Learnster enables you to reuse and customize existing course material.
Learnster’s admin roles allow you to delegate training responsibilities to the broader organization.

Delegate responsibilities and involve the entire organization

Use Learnster’s admin roles to delegate training responsibilities to the broader organization. Invite department heads, site managers and subject matter experts to take ownership of training and follow-up. Leverage internal, local knowledge.
Learnster Teams lets managers track learners' individual results and course progression.

Follow up on individual progress and results

Learnster Teams allows managers to track their team members' individual course progression, to help recognize achievements and provide support where needed.
Do you want to learn more about Learnster’s solutions for volunteer training?